Tuesday, November 25, 2014


On this day last year we were leaving behind the comforts of this familiar place...

with this familiar view...

and taking this sweet baby girl "home" for the first time... 

We left the hospital that evening grateful, yet unsure. 

Grateful for where God had us. 

Grateful for how well Brooke was doing just 21 days after her first open-heart surgery at six-days-old

Unsure of what the coming days, weeks and months would hold. 

Unsure of caring for our fragile little one three hours from what had been home to us for her little life and those who had become family and provided amazing care and support 24/7. 

But, off we went, so very excited to be together at home home as a family of five.

Trusting that God would cover us in her care and protect her through the Winter months in anticipation of her second surgery in the Spring. 

First stop...our St. Louis apartment for an overnight stay before we headed home home the following day...