This mama is wiped out tonight. A certain little person apparently didn't get that message and is STILL awake. Good thing she's cute.
Our daughter, Brooklyn Hope, was born with a rare congenital heart defect called Hyploplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) in October 2013. This is our story of God's abundant grace and never-ending love...
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
six-month cardiology checkup results & bags of hope delivery
Outside of Brooklyn screaming through her weight and height checks, blood pressure check, exam and ECHO (while I was holding her and having to restrain her), all went well in St. Louis last week. ;) Brooke's sats, heart rate and blood pressure looked good. While not a complete look (because of the screaming and squirming), our cardiologist was able to get a really good look at Brooke's heart from the ECHO. She said her heart looks
good, function is good and there remains a small amount of tricuspid valve leakage. No change in the significance of the leakage thankfully but something on which she'll continue to keep an eye. Doc was very pleased with Brooke's growth. She's
jumped from the 11th percentile in weight to the 23rd despite her oral aversion and feeding challenges.
Woohoo! She weighs almost 19 pounds and measures 29 inches.
We talked through milestones of all sorts and discussed how well she's doing overall. Brooke will have an occupational therapy evaluation soon with our local therapy services, and we will also be taking part in a new neurological development clinic in St. Louis where Brooke's overall development will be evaluated and discussed. As our cardiologist said, delays
are very much expected for kiddos like Brooke, so this new clinic is a more
focused effort to identify and address those, if they exist. Our next cardiology checkup and neuro clinic appointments will likely be in 3-6 months. Until then we will continue with speech/feeding therapy and physical therapy locally.
In addition to our cardiologist and nutritionist, we got to see a few more of our favorite St. Louis Children's folks while we were there, too. One of our very favorite nurses, Sarah, is pictured here with Brooke. I know she was happier to see Sarah than she appears in the photo. :) But...this was after the traumatic ECHO experience and exam. Pretty sure she was just done for the day. We have one incredible team caring for our sweet Brooklyn, and we couldn't be more grateful for them. It thrills me to be able to visit the Cardiac ICU and show off God's handiwork that is our Brooklyn. He has and continues to show himself mighty in her life. Praise Him!
We delivered the "bags of hope" to our cardiologist while we were there as well. My dear friend, Michelle, recently hosted a Thirty-One Gifts Facebook fundraiser party for us to raise money for the bags which are to be given to current heart families in the CICU at SLCH. They turned out beautifully. Each of the six bags included a book of hope and encouragement, a bib, a small toy, a muslin swaddling blanket and a Visa gift card. HUGE thanks to Michelle and everyone who participated in the party and/or donated toward the bags. Your generosity is a blessing to us and to these families! And, if you missed out on participating this time, we plan to do this type of fundraiser each year in honor of Brooke around her birthday in October.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
a long-overdue update
In one word...wonderfully.
Physically... Has been pretty healthy so far this winter outside of one short bout with the respiratory flu and a double ear infection. Weighs 18 lbs. Measures 28". One adorable, little peanut. :) Working hard every other week in physical therapy. Our therapist indicated last week that, based on his assessment and her progress in PT, as of right now he sees no need for Brooke to require orthotic shoes or leg braces. Praise the Lord! She loves to scoot, or crab crawl, as some might call it. Has no interest in actually crawling. Pulls up, cruises along everything and loves walking independently (with no one guiding or steering) with her walker or behind any push toy or anything else that slides across the hardwood floor. Has even stood independently several times and taken a couple of very wobbly steps. Loves to climb. Loves to bounce on her bottom on the trampoline at the gym. Loves when we pull the couch cushions onto the floor so she can climb AND bounce. It's her favorite thing ever.
Eating... Still loves her bottles. Never liked pureed food or cereal. Has made big strides in the last two weeks eating table foods. Her favorites are mac n' cheese and sweet potatoes. Working hard every other week in feeding therapy also. Currently working on biting and chewing instead of shoving a handful in and moving it around until it dissolves.
Verbally... Says a few words...ball, cracker, yellow, baby, uh-oh. Tries to mimic many words we say.
Verbally... Says a few words...ball, cracker, yellow, baby, uh-oh. Tries to mimic many words we say.
Socially... Loves to watch other babies/kids. Loves going to Bible school one morning a week while Mom goes to Bible study. Just went to the nursery at church for the first time two weeks ago. Did really well.
Personality... Hilarious. Strong. Silly. Tough. Affectionate. A little ornery. And SO much fun.
Sleep... Still likes Mama's snuggles now and then once in the middle of the night. I don't mind. :)
Teeth... Has two adorable, little bottom teeth and just cut her first top tooth a couple of weeks ago.
Sisters... Still adores them. Loves to be silly with them and try to mimic everything they do. Loves to be near them in general.
Daddy... She squeals with delight when he walks in the door from work. Love. It.
Oh, and she had her first ponytail yesterday. Good grief. As if she could get ANY cuter!
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