As John and I have celebrated the one-year anniversary of Brooke being NG-free, celebrated these sweet 18 months we've enjoyed with her and marveled, like many of you, at how well she's doing, my heart has been heavy for another heart hero's family all week long. Her name is Maddie. "Mighty Maddie" as she's known.
Little Maddie was diagnosed in utero with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, just like our Brooke. Cared for by many wonderful folks at St. Louis Children's Hospital, just like our Brooke. Loved so well and prayed for so much by her family and friends and even those who didn't know her, just like our Brooke. This past Sunday she celebrated nine months. Nine months of sweetness...and fighting for her life daily. On Monday morning, while held in her mommy's arms and holding her daddy's hand, Mighty Maddie went to be with Jesus. I don't know Maddie's family personally, but in the CHD world, there's something unique that connects all of us as parents of heart heroes.
Probably much like you, I don't understand why some of these sweet babies, like our Brooklyn, survive and thrive and beat the odds every day...and some of them don't. The mystery is not mine to solve. I have zero doubt that God knows what He's doing and He truly does "work ALL things together for the good of those who love Him." (Romans 8:28) The joys, the tears, the smiles, the heartache. ALL things. Nonetheless, the passing of another precious heart baby and the unimaginable heartache her family and friends must feel absolutely breaks my heart. The reality is, it could have been us at any point in these last 18 months. And the reality is, we're never guaranteed another day with any of our babies, our kiddos, our loved ones, no matter their age or health.