Monday, June 29, 2015

praising Him

On this day two years ago... I was five months pregnant, sitting alone in an ultrasound room at the hospital having just listened to "Sovereign" by Chris Tomlin over and over and over. John was home with our very sick oldest. I knew what I was about to hear from the doc wasn't going to be good, but I had complete peace. Only God can do that. The ped-on-call came in and gave me ultrasound results...and Brooke's diagnosis of HLHS. My journey as a heart mom started in that moment. Still takes my breath to think about it.
Two years. So much heartache. So many tears. So much joy. So much laughter. So much overcoming. So much prayer. She's thriving. I'm different, stronger. Our marriage is stronger. Our family is stronger. I'm more in love with Jesus than ever before. I know Him more deeply than ever before.
I can't quite lift my hands high enough in praise today for all He has done. He was good through every single moment of those two years. Every. One. Even in the darkest of the dark. He was good. He IS good.
We celebrated God's provision, goodness and faithfulness this morning with a bowl of whipped cream. Pretty sure our little lefty thought that was the best "ice cream" she's ever had.