Sunday, November 3, 2013

a quick update & prayer requests for surgery day

First, let me apologize for the lack of updates on the blog. I know so many of you have been praying for us and waiting for updates on how Brooke's doing. We have just been quite overwhelmed with the demands on our time and attention...and trying to enjoy our sweet bundle in the meantime. Actually, overwhelmed is putting it lightly.
How's Brooke? As one of the doctors put it during rounds this morning, she's "doing very well clinically." All things considered, she really is doing well. In fact, she's doing as well as she could be at this point heading into surgery tomorrow. We had a great meeting with the surgeon two days ago. He explained the Norwood procedure again in even more detail. In short, she will be put on a bypass machine while her heart is stopped for the surgery to be done. After the 5- to 6-hour surgery, her chest will be left open for a couple of days while she is closely monitored. If all looks good, they will close her chest on Wednesday or Thursday. She will then be remain in the Cardiac ICU for a few weeks of recovery time. There's a lot more detail, but I'll spare you (and I can't begin to explain it all anyway). :)
How are we? Hanging in there. I can't even begin to explain the emotions we've felt this week. God is sustaining us as only He can, and your prayer support has A LOT to do with that. Brooke's big sisters enjoyed their time with her while they were here. Abby couldn't get enough of rubbing her sweet little head. So precious. And, Emily, well, she thinks Brooke is hilarious, and she is fascinated with all of the monitors and such in the room.
Prayer requests...
  • Rest, focus and guidance for the doctors and staff tending to Brooke tomorrow.
  • Rest and peace for John and me as we try to sleep tonight, as we spend time with Brooke in the morning before she goes in and as we wait the 5-6 hours during surgery. We plan to be here with Brooke by 5:00 a.m. so we can spend some time with her in the morning before they come to get her for surgery around 7:30 (or before).
  • That our girls continue to do well this week, and Ab transitions back to school, as they are cared for by our sweet family...and maybe for the family caring for them. :)
  • Obviously, for Brooke, that she continues to be a fighter! That she tolerates surgery remarkably well. As the recovery nurse mentioned today, two of the most important things in Brooke's recovery, especially immediately, are rest for her body and heart and that her urine output is good.
There are probably many more specific things for which you can pray, but those are the things I can process at this point. We appreciate your continued care, concern and support for our sweet Brooklyn Hope and our family. We "know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

Pray on, prayer warriors!!!
By the way, I do plan to update the blog with a few photos from the last couple of days. For now, the most critical things were a quick update and prayer requests especially as they relate to Brooke's surgery starting at 7:30 a.m. or possibly earlier tomorrow (Monday) morning.

Until then, we're spending some precious family time together...
After a full day of rest, our sweet babe decided to finally open her eyes this evening and check out Mom and Dad. God is OH SO good...


  1. Praying so hard Amy. Love seeing these pictures. Thank you so much for updating!

  2. She is SO beautiful Amy! Praying for your sweet family now!
