Wednesday, April 2, 2014

home sweet home

Yes, you read that correctly. We. are. home!! Outside of a lot of spitting up/vomiting (due to the change in feeding plan), Brooklyn had a really good last couple of days. The feeding plan will likely be ever-changing as we try to determine what best suits Brooke's tummy. We would love your prayer regarding figuring out this plan. We are really anxious to get rid of the NG tube, but it may be awhile. We have to just take it a day at a time. Overall though, she is doing so well. Praise God! Thank you so much for the continued prayer, encouragement, love and support. We feel the love, and your prayer has made a huge difference! I will continue to post updates probably each week. For now, enjoy these sweet photos...

Yeah, I just had open-heart surgery eight days ago. No big deal. ;)

Two excited sisters! Make that three. These silly monkeys made Brooklyn laugh--like belly laugh--for the very first time tonight! Such joy!!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome blessing to be home and hear Miss Brooklyn laughing.......our GOD is awesome indeed! We continue to pray for you all
